Friday, December 21, 2007

PM Approves Leases for 4 Sihanoukville Islands

Prime Minister Hun Sen has signed a sub-degree approving the leasing of four islands off the coast of Sihanoukville to four little-known companies. the Nov 1 sub-degreee, published in this week's Royal Gazette, leased the island of Koh Sramouch (256,000 square meters) to Ream Resort and Development Co, Koh Broes (562,800 square meters) to Angela Reat Estate Co and Koh Krobei (122,300 square meters) to RPB Investment Co and Koh Tres (89,700 square meters) to Twin Golden Lion Co. The sub-degree did not specify the length of the leases or what the companies would do with the islands. No address for RPB was available Wednesday, and nonw of the other companies could be found at addresses provided by the Ministry of Commerce. SRP lawmaker Son Chhay wrote to Finance Minister Keat Chhon on Wednesday, asking for documentss related to the transaction. "We want transparency and responsibility," he said Thursday, adding that he suspected there had been no open bidding process. Keat Chhon declined to comment on the leases Thursday morning, saying he had just received the documents and hadn't studied them yet. (Prak Chan Thul)

(Retyped from the Cambodia Daily, issued on Friday, December 21, 2007, page 28)
If you want to see map of Sihanoukville, please visit link

Blog Creator's comment
: This article was posted due to my interest in Tourism Development in Cambodia. The main attention here is to share the news on what is going on with tourist sites development.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Cambodia: Protecting Cultural Heritage Through Bypass Roads

Part of the Kampong Kdei bypass.Siem Reap, August 2007 - Following a route along an ancient Angkor highway dating from the 12th - 13th Century, National Road No. 6 (NR6) connects Siem Reap and Kompong Thom provinces.

Recent rehabilitation activities drew special attention to the need for Cambodia to protect these unique cultural assets from increasing vehicle and heavy traffic.

Part of the Kampong Kdei bypass.
With a view to preserve the authenticity and historical value of the ancient bridges, the APSARA Authority for the Protection ad Management of Angkor and the Region of Siem Reap permitted the Ministry of Public Works and Transport to build 10 bypasses with new bridges around minor ancient bridges and a 1.3 km Kampong Kdei bypass and new bridge to divert traffic off the ancient bridges and onto the new bypasses, in conformity with UNESCO’s ad hoc expert group recommendations of December 2004.

The Kampong Kdei Bridge, one of the dry-jointed laterite block construction engineering wonders along NR6, is located about 45 km southeast of Siem Reap and is the highest and longest of the 800 year old ancient bridges, spanning approximately 85m and 14 m high.
Though it was originally agreed by competent authority that the ancient bridge was to be rehabilitated without any bypasses, cultural heritage considerations soon took precedence.
Ancient Angkor bridge of archeological significance, now used for pedestrians and bicycles only.

Prior to the opening up of newly constructed bypass, this ancient bridge carried all traffic without signs of distress or fatigue.

Under the Road Rehabilitation Project, the NR6 civil works contract constituted the rehabilitation of a total of 72 km of road. The contract included replacement of existing bridges and culverts. To comply with modern standards, the road alignment was designed such that appropriate speeds are maintained through each bypass. This required a significant amount of design and drafting of new structures.

The work for the new bridge was completed before project closing and it is now operating normally.

Outcomes of the NR6 road rehabilitation work resulted in a major upgrading that allows for improved travel between Phnom Penh and the main tourist attraction of the country, Angkor Wat.

The road safety improvements -- including proper pavement markings, speed breaking humps, rumble strips, guide posts, and
The work for the new bridge was
completed before project closing
and it is now operating normally.
signage -- were a first for Cambodia, and have set the standard for good road safety practices in the country. Similar safety improvements have been incorporated since to other major road rehabilitation works.

No less significant has been the capacity development for managing cultural heritage, resettlement activities, budgeting and implementation in several Government agencies.
The 3-year contract started on 7 January, 2002, the construction of the 10 bypasses including the 3 by 20 meter span bridge for the new 1.3 km bypass began the second half of 2005, after settling the safeguards related issues and was officially completed on 31 March, 2006.


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Smile is a good sign for happiness and friendliness

Would u believe that sometimes, your smile can make other people happy eventhough they don't know you.